We are pleased to announce our first ever end of season club awards!
We want to recognise those people that make this club so special - Players, Parents, Coaches, Volunteers and we are pleased to announce we will be looking to award some of our members end of season recognition!
We need your help, it's down to you to nominate people for the awards. We have a number of categories that we are looking to celebrate, read on to find out more!

The Categories

Player of the Year
Who do you think has been your club player of the year? It may be someone who you think has played brilliantly every week and deserves recognition, or perhaps it's someone who has improved over the season or there may be some other reason. You can nominate your son or daughter, players from your team or another South Cave team!

Team of the Year
You can nominate a team for any reason you like. Maybe they kept smiling in the face of adversity, maybe they won every game, maybe they improved so much over the year, or maybe they are just a good bunch! You can nominate your own team or your child’s team.

Coach of the Year
Why does your coach deserve to be recognised by the club? Do they go the extra mile, do they promote fair play, is it their patience, a tactical genius, or that they've helped player development? You can nominate your own coach or someone else’s!

Supporter of the Year
Who has supported your team so well that they deserve some recognition? Maybe they are always getting goals out, first to collect the respect barriers, or there in all weathers with a positive attitude? Or your parent has gone above and beyond helping you this season, driving you about, cleaning your boots, etc. You can nominate your own parents, your siblings, or a volunteer in your team.

Fair Play Award
Nominate a team if you think they deserve it, or nominate a player who perhaps showed brilliant sportsmanship this year, or nominate someone else! Someone from your team or from another South Cave team.

Club Legend
Player, parent, volunteer, groundsman, coach, someone who you think goes above-and-beyond and deserves to be recognised by the club for their efforts in helping make the club what it is.